April 13th, 2018

Integrating Selenium tests in a release pipeline

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Senior Application Development Manager Marcelo Silva recently posted this article demonstrating how to implement UI test automation using VSTS and Selenium.

Today, I’d like to show you a proof-of-concept I created for one of my customers where we implement User Interface (UI) test automation into a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

First, a little background on the problem we’re trying to solve: my customer wanted to introduce automated testing into their CI/CD pipeline. The conversation when in the direction of integrating Unit Tests and doing automated Integration Tests. We did implement some unit tests and integrated them into the solution and the release pipeline.

However, there are clear challenges on implementing unit tests on legacy code. Can you justify the time/effort to implement a good set of unit tests on legacy code? I’m not going to go deep into this as this topic, in itself is worth a blog post on its own. Suffice to say that, most teams choose to do a gradual implementation of unit tests as bugs are fixed and technical debt is paid.

Continue reading here.

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Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

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