Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Debugging Beyond Visual Studio – WinDbg

In this post, Sr. App Dev Managers Al Mata, Candice Lai, and Syed Mehdi gives a walkthrough of WinDbg. You’re likely a developer and have used a code editor to debug and analyze your application failures. Few developers know or understand the “old school” way of troubleshooting to uncover additional details; enter the WinDbg ...

DevOps and Appification

In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Ron Vincent explains how adopting DevOps principles can help organizations be more productive and aid in maintaining many apps.These days the typical enterprise organization has dozens and even hundreds of apps that it creates and maintains. In this article we’ll discuss how we can apply ...

How Azure IoT helped me buy a new house – Part 1

Premier Developer Consultant, Steve St Jean, shares a personal story on how he used Azure IoT to figure out a solution to a problem that many of us face – high electric bills. In the series, Steve shares the process and code that he used to implement this solution.Telemetry data is an important component of any good DevOps process. Being ...

The “P” in “PM”

In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Ilias Jennane sheds more light on the PM role and how it fits into the bigger picture of DevOps. In recent discussions with customers and colleagues about why large I.T. shops often struggle in adhering to Agile principles or becoming DevOps organizations, I couldn’t help but notice ...

Improved Privacy using Homomorphic Encryption

In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Razi Rais gives more insight into how to use homomorphic encryption in the field of healthcare to improve privacy and secure data. Modern encryption schemes like homomorphic encryption (HE) provide higher privacy guarantees compared to the existing schemes. Basically, you don't need to reveal...

Exam Prep for 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

In this post, App Dev Manager Omer Amin spotlights the skills measured by 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Infrastructure Solutions, and where to go to build your skills.(image) I recently took the 70-533, Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam. Each Microsoft exam page has a Skills Measured section. This section clearly ...

Deploying Linked ARM Templates with VSTS

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Najib Zarrari walks through how to deploy linked ARM templates with Visual Studio Team Services. When dealing with deploying a large number of components in Azure, a single ARM template might be challenging to manage and maintain.  ARM linked templates allow you to make your deployment more ...