May 8th, 2018

Deploying Linked ARM Templates with VSTS

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Najib Zarrari walks through how to deploy linked ARM templates with Visual Studio Team Services.

When dealing with deploying a large number of components in Azure, a single ARM template might be challenging to manage and maintain.  ARM linked templates allow you to make your deployment more modular making the templates easier to manage. When dealing with large deployments, it is highly recommended to consider breaking down your deployment into a main template and multiple linked templates representing different components of your deployment.

Deploying ARM templates can be performed using a number of methods such as using PowerShell, Azure CLI and Azure Portal.  A recommended approach however is to adopt one of DevOps practices, namely Continuous Deploy.  VSTS is an application lifecycle management tool hosted in the cloud and offered as a service.  One of the capabilities VSTS offers is Release Management.

In this blog post, I will detail how you can deploy linked ARM templates using the Release Management feature of VSTS.

Read the full post here to learn how.


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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