May 16th, 2018

The “P” in “PM”

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Ilias Jennane sheds more light on the PM role and how it fits into the bigger picture of DevOps.

In recent discussions with customers and colleagues about why large I.T. shops often struggle in adhering to Agile principles or becoming DevOps organizations, I couldn’t help but notice something extremely simple, however tremendously important.

Large I.T. shops manage Projects, while software shops build Products. One would think that it is the same thing, but the gap starts to happen there. On one hand, you will have product owners (or product managers) and the other you will have project managers. One is focused on the continuous delivery of value whereas the other is focused on the delivery of a known set of artifacts constrained by time, budget and scope.

Read more of his post here.


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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