DirectX Developer Blog

Agility SDK 1.606.3: Shader Model 6.7 is now publicly available!

The DirectX Compiler Team and our partners are pleased to announce the release of Shader Model 6.7! Shader Model 6.7 expands texture fetching, quad querying, and wave capabilities to enable ever more complex (and compatible) new shader-driven features! Advanced Texture Operations SM 6.7 adds a collection of useful texture capabilities ...

Preview Agility SDK 1.706.3-preview: SM 6.7, Enhanced Barriers and more

In addition to support for Shader Model 6.7, this preview Agility SDK contains improved support for Enhanced Barriers and some smaller features  For more on the public release of Shader Model 6.7, please see our 1.606.3 announcement. With the addition of preview Enhanced Barriers and Relaxed Format Casting support, raw gathers will achieve...

Agility SDK 1.602.4

This is a bug-fix-only update to 1.602.0. No new features. NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.Direct3D.D3D12 1.602.4 Bug Fixes  ...

DirectStorage SDK 1.0.2

Thank you to everyone who tried out the DirectStorage SDK - we've really enjoyed interacting with you on the #directstorage channel on the D3D12 Discord Server, and on github. Today we're releasing an update to the SDK where we've addressed some of the feedback you've sent us! You can update to the latest using NuGet update.  Visit ...

Windows Graphics News – 2022 Q1

The first quarter of 2022 has gone by, so let’s talk about what the Graphics team has been up to! On this blog post we talk about:   We’re hiring! We still have a lot of PM and SWE roles open for several teams in Graphics! Check out for a full list of our open jobs - we look at every application ...

Agility SDK 1.602.0

The Agility SDK 1.602.0 has been published, which fixes bugs related to depth and stencil buffer resource state validation and contains a first round of new D3D12 features aimed at quality-of-life improvements and alignment with other graphics APIs. Head over to Agility SDK Downloads to try it out.   New Minor Features Each of the...

Exciting additions to your Auto HDR experience on PC

Last year, we brought Auto High Dynamic Range (HDR) to your PC gaming experience, letting you breathe new life into your existing games by giving them an entirely new range of vibrant colors. Today, we’re excited to talk about the additional improvements to your Auto HDR experience on PC that are currently available on Windows 11 and the ...

DirectStorage API Now Available on PC

Starting today, Windows games can ship with DirectStorage. This public SDK release begins a new era of fast load times and detailed worlds in PC games by allowing developers to more fully utilize the speed of the latest storage devices. In September 2020, we announced DirectStorage would be coming to Windows, and after collecting feedback ...