Showing results for 2018 - Page 3 of 9 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Jul 10, 2018

PowerShell PowerTip: What you should know about streams

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

PowerShell has a concept called Streams, which are the different places data can go (output, error, verbose, etc). You usually don't have to worry too much about these streams if you're just writing simple scripts, but it helps a ton to know: What this means for you, as users, is that you can get a non-terminating error, and still ...

Jul 5, 2018

Regular Expressions (REGEX): Introduction

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

Hi all, this week I'll be talking about Regular Expressions. I've got a few posts planned to get you set up and going with some basic Regex. Regex is used for extracting and validating data. Essentially, you can think of Regex as windows wild cards on steroids. Anytime we need to match data with a little more clarity than the *s and ?s that wind...

PowerShellregular expressionskoryt
Jun 26, 2018

PowerShell PowerTip: Checking your PowerShell version

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

If there is one question I could say I get the most in PowerShell, it is: How do I check my version? Its not a hard thing, but its not an obvious thing. We can actually check our version with a build in variable called PSVersionTable Hope that helps, tune in more often to get short and sweet PowerTips!
