Showing results for July 2019 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Jul 31, 2019

PowerTip: Identify the last time a User was Synchronized to AzureAD

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Use PowerShell to identify the property in AzureAD with the Synchronization time in AzureAD Hey, Doctor Scripto. Is there a way with PowerShell to identify when a user was last synchronized with AzureAD? Absolutely! We just need to examine the LastDirSyncTime when using the Get-Msoluser cmdlet. Here’s an example below (Get...

PowerTipPowerShellDoctor Scripto
Jul 31, 2019

Reporting on Microsoft 365 Licensing using PowerShell – Part 1

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Will Martin discusses how to report on Microsoft 365 licensing in the cloud. Hello everyone, Doctor Scripto here today to introduce you to a good friend of mine. Will Martin is a PFE in Messaging here at Microsoft and he wanted to share a wonderful solution he found on reporting on Microsoft 365 licensing with PowerShell. Will my fri...

PowerShellDoctor ScriptoMicrosoft 365
Jul 24, 2019

PowerTip: Show files with expired Digital Certificates

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Targeting Expired Certificates with Get-AuthenticodeSignature Question: Hey Doctor Scripto! Is there an easy way to visually identify Digitally signed files with an Expired status on the Digital Certificate? Answer: Absolutely! We just need to filter on the “Status” property and show those without the value ‘Valid’. As an add...

Sean KearneyPowerShellDoctor Scripto
Jul 24, 2019

Reporting on Digitally Signed Files with PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Using the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet to show if a file is Digitally Signed Q: Hey, Doctor Scripto! I was curious, since many new files are Digitally signed with a certificate if there was an easy way to see the status of the Digital Signatures of many files easily? —SH A: Hello SH your good friend Doctor Scripto is here t...

Sean KearneyPowerShellDoctor Scripto
Jul 17, 2019

Clean up Domain Controller DNS Records with Powershell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Using Windows PowerShell to remove Stale / Dead Domain Controller records. Q: Hey, Doctor Scripto! How can I quickly clean up all my dead Domain Controller’s DNS records? A: That’s a great question. The good Doctor also knows the very person to answer it best. My good friend Patrick Mercier, An Active Directory PFE who loves wo...

Windows PowerShellActive DirectoryHey Scripting Guy