Showing results for June 2018 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Jun 26, 2018

PowerShell PowerTip: Checking your PowerShell version

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

If there is one question I could say I get the most in PowerShell, it is: How do I check my version? Its not a hard thing, but its not an obvious thing. We can actually check our version with a build in variable called PSVersionTable Hope that helps, tune in more often to get short and sweet PowerTips...

Jun 19, 2018

PowerShell For Programmers: Here Strings, There Strings, Everywhere Some String Strings

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

There won't be much code in today's post, but this can be a useful feature to know about. In addition to the expandable and literal strings we talked about, we can also use something called a Here String. Here strings allow us to have quote characters inside of our string that match the quote characters we use to create that string. For ...

PowerShellkorytKory Thacher
