Showing results for virtual server - Scripting Blog [archived]

Feb 19, 2012

Use PowerShell to Find Last Logon Times for Virtual Workstations

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to Use Windows PowerShell to find the last logon times for virtual workstations. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Welcome back guest blogger, Brian Wilhite. Brian was our guest blogger yesterday when he wrote about detecting servers that will have a problem with an upcoming time change due to daylight savings time. He...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellguest blogger
Aug 18, 2005

How Can I Start Up and Shut Down a Virtual Server Session?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I start up and shut down a Virtual Server session?-- DW Hey, DW. One of the Scripting Guys once had a neighbor who used to say, over and over again, “You know, I think I should have a garage sale. I really should have a garage sale.” This went on for a couple of years, until the guy finally did have a garage sale. And...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptservers