Showing results for Keith HIll - Scripting Blog [archived]

Feb 13, 2017

Debugging PowerShell script in Visual Studio Code – Part 2

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Welcome to Part 2 of the series about how to debug PowerShell in Visual Studio Code. In Part 1, we looked at the debugging features of Visual Studio Code with the PowerShell extension installed.  Now we will examine the various ways that you can start to debug PowerShell script with Visual Studio Code. Single file debugging With the 1.9 release of ...

guest bloggerVisual Studio CodeKeith HIll
Feb 6, 2017

Debugging PowerShell script in Visual Studio Code – Part 1

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Here's a look at the many features of the PowerShell debugger for Visual Studio Code. In previous blog posts, we covered how to get started with PowerShell development in Visual Studio Code and the editing features of Visual Studio Code and the PowerShell extension.  If you don’t already have Visual Studio Code configured with the PowerSh...

GuestBloggerVisual Studio CodeKeith HIll
Jan 12, 2017

Visual Studio Code editing features for PowerShell development – Part 2

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Editing features for Visual Studio Code that use the PowerShell extension. Welcome to Part 2 about editing features of Visual Studio Code. Everything that we  examined in Part 1 of this series is about Visual Studio Code editing features that are available without the PowerShell extension installed! They apply to your markdown, JSON, XML,...

PowerShellGuestBloggerKeith HIll
Jan 11, 2017

Visual Studio Code editing features for PowerShell development – Part 1

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: The editing features of Visual Studio Code come in handy as you develop your PowerShell scripts. Note: This post includes animated gifs. For best results, view the post in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. In the previous blog post, we explained how to get started with PowerShell development in Visual Studio Code. If you don’t have Visu...

PowerShellGuestBloggerVisual Studio Code
Dec 5, 2016

Get started with PowerShell development in Visual Studio Code

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn about the features in Visual Studio Code that help you write PowerShell code. Since the PowerShell integrated scripting environment (ISE) shipped with Windows PowerShell 2.0 in 2009, the PowerShell landscape has changed significantly. In November 2014, Microsoft took .NET open source and cross-platform. Given PowerShell’s dependence...

Windows PowerShellguest bloggerVisual Studio Code