Showing results for GuestBlogger - Scripting Blog [archived]

Feb 9, 2017

Cloud operating system deployment: WinPE in Azure

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Jason Ryberg is a Consultant for Microsoft, where he writes PowerShell code and provides DevOps support.  Have you ever wanted to boot to WinPE in Azure and select an Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) Task Sequence?  As part of an informal cloud-readiness evaluation, I was asked to deploy a server image to Azure. The image that I was given would...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellGuestBlogger
Feb 6, 2017

Debugging PowerShell script in Visual Studio Code – Part 1

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Here's a look at the many features of the PowerShell debugger for Visual Studio Code. In previous blog posts, we covered how to get started with PowerShell development in Visual Studio Code and the editing features of Visual Studio Code and the PowerShell extension.  If you don’t already have Visual Studio Code configured with the ...

GuestBloggerVisual Studio CodeKeith HIll
Jan 31, 2017

PowerTip: Find all the Azure Automation jobs that will run in the next two days

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, Thomas Rayner, shows how to find all the Azure Automation jobs that will run in the next two days. Is there a way to find all the Azure Automation jobs that will run in the next two days? Use the cmdlet, and check out the attribute. Here is an example...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipThomas Rayner
Jan 25, 2017

Nearly everything has changed for SQL Server PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

2016 was the best year in SQL PowerShell history! I guess I should have mentioned that here sooner. Wired® Magazine recently said that Microsoft SQL Server was the surprise hit of the year. The primary cited reason is the SQL Server port to Linux, but there are several other reasons to be really excited about SQL Server and SQL Server PowerShell ...

communityPowerShellSQL Server
Jan 13, 2017

View passwords of wireless profiles without using netsh.exe

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Ever since the GUI lost the ability to view the password of a wireless profile, I wanted to provide this functionality in PowerShell. A search of the Internet for how to view the password of a Wi-Fi profile returns numerous examples of how to use netsh.exe to accomplish this. I wrote a previous blog post about how to view Wi-Fi profiles, and the ...

PowerShellJason WalkerGuestBlogger
