Showing results for 2018 - Page 2 of 9 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Aug 7, 2018

PowerShell PowerTip: History of commands with PSReadline

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

One of the really cool things PSReadline provides (module shipping on v5+) isn't as immediately obvious as the syntax highlighting. It offers a persistent history that is stored from session to session. This means if you run commands in a window, close it, and open a new one later you can still hit the up arrow and scroll through them. I use thi...

Jul 31, 2018

Regular Expressions (REGEX): Basic symbols

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

Welcome back to the RegEx guide. Last post we talked a little bit about the basics of RegEx and its uses. I mentioned the most important thing is to understand the symbols. Today we'll ease in with some of the basics to get us going, but later we will expand on these and see some other options we have.  is used to represent any single character,...

PowerShellregular expressionskoryt
Jul 24, 2018

PowerShell PowerTip: What is the point of Out-Variable?

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

A lot of times people see others using the common parameter -OutVariable instead of the best practice $var = <value>. This leads to a lot of folks wondering why OutVariable  exists. The real use for OutVariable is to save your data off, while still letting it get sent along the output stream. What this means is that you could use it somewh...
