Showing results for February 2018 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Feb 28, 2018

PowerTip: Create new authentication keys for AzureRM Cognitive Services

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Change the keys to authenticate to Azure RM Cognitive Services, by using Windows PowerShell.   Hey, Scripting Guy! I created the keys for my Rest API. I know I can change them in the web portal, but is there a faster way of doing it through Windows PowerShell?   There absolutely is! Just use the New-AzureRMCognitiveServicesAccountKey cmdl...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipguest blogger
Feb 28, 2018

Windows PowerShell and the Azure Text-to-Speech Rest API (Part 1)

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: You can use Windows PowerShell to authenticate to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text-to-Speech component through the Rest API. Q: Hey, Scripting Guy! I heard about the cool Microsoft Cognitive Services, and had heard they have a REST API. Does that mean I can use PowerShell to consume them? Could you show me how to authenticate to it?...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellSean Kearney
Feb 21, 2018

PowerTip: Use PowerShell to read an RSS feed

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: “Hey, Scripting Guy!” shows you how to use Invoke-RestMethod to read a list of entries from an RSS feed.  How can I use Windows PowerShell to see the list of articles from an RSS feed?       Just use the Invoke-RestMethod and provide the full path to the link to the RSS feed. Here is an example:    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://blogs.t...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellPowerTip
Feb 21, 2018

PowerShell and the REST API for the IT pro

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: This post provides a quick introduction to what the REST API is, and how it applies to Windows PowerShell. Q: Hey, Scripting Guy! I can see there is this cool cmdlet called Invoke-RestMethod. I've been told REST API's are all around, and this allows me to consume that data. Could you give me a hand getting started? —SH A: Hello SH, Glad ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellSean Kearney
Feb 15, 2018

PowerShell for Programmers: How to write a function the right way

Kory Thacher
Kory Thacher

Just like I mentioned in my first post, PowerShell supports a lot of stuff that makes it pretty easy to dive in and get stuff running. The following two examples are supported in PowerShell, but not something you should really be doing for any reusable tool set. Putting your parameters (arguments) next to the function name in parenthesis is pr...

korytKory Thacher