Showing results for dates - Scripting Blog [archived]

Sep 23, 2015

Extending Objects with PowerShell: Week of the Year

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Ed Wilson talks about adding members to an object with Windows PowerShell to get the week of the year.Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the cool things about Windows PowerShell is that it is configurable. Not merely configurable, but amazingly flexible. For example, when I look at a DateTime object, I see the following:PS...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques
Mar 13, 2015

PowerTip: Find Day of the Week with PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Find the day of the week by using Windows PowerShell.  How can I use Windows PowerShell to find what day of the week a particular date falls on?  Access the DayOfWeek property from the DateTime object: (get-date).dayofweek...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques
