Showing results for November 2016 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Nov 25, 2016

PowerTip: Capture the output of a Linux application in PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Use the built-in features of PowerShell to obtain data produced by a Linux application. Can I run a Linux application like ls and capture its output in PowerShell? You certainly can!  It’s no different from when you normally grab output from any other command in Windows.   To grab the output of the ls command, for example, just ...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipguest blogger
Nov 25, 2016

Open Source PowerShell – Part 4

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Install and Configure SSH for Open Source PowerShell remoting. With PowerShell, up to this point, one thing that I love is the ability to connect various systems in my environment and run cmdlets on them remotely.  Can we do this with Open Source PowerShell?  Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, is here today to go over how to get ...

Windows PowerShellguest bloggerSean Kearney
Nov 18, 2016

PowerTip: Return a status code to Linux from PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Pass a result code back to a calling Linux environment from Open Source PowerShell. How can I pass a numeric value back to a calling Bash Shell to indicate an error? Just simply supply the EXIT command and a numeric value at the point where the error is flagged. For example, the following code is a PowerShell script that returns a value...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipguest blogger
Nov 18, 2016

Open Source PowerShell – Part 3

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Pass and return data correctly between Bash and Open Source PowerShell. Could you show me some examples of actually passing and returning values between PowerShell and Bash? Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, is here today and we’ll do exactly that. It isn’t difficult to actually to do this either, but there are two things to ...

Windows PowerShellguest bloggerSean Kearney
Nov 11, 2016

PowerTip: Get the status code of a PowerShell script in Bash

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Identify the results of a script running in Open Source PowerShell in a Bash environment. Is there any way to see the results of a PowerShell script? For example, if somebody sent an “Exit 42”, could I see it in Linux? All you need to do is examine the $? variable in Linux, just like any other Linux application. Here is an example...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipguest blogger