Showing results for Scripting Wife - Scripting Blog [archived]

May 16, 2016

The Scripting Guys and Scripting Wife summer tour


SUMMARY: Ed Wilson talks about his summer of PowerShell tour with dates and links to live appearances. Hello everyone,  Hope you are having a fantastic day. Ed and I have been busy as usual and are ready to get busier.  Here are the dates and links to upcoming events we will be attending and Ed speaking. There is a trip to Europe that some items...

Scripting Guy!guest bloggercommunity
Nov 9, 2014

Weekend Scripter: Install PowerShell 4.0 in Windows 7

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Windows PowerShell MVP, Teresa Wilson, talks about upgrading Windows PowerShell 2.0 to Windows PowerShell 4.0 in Windows 7. Hello everyone. The Scripting Wife, here. The Scripting Guy is off reading a book—I think it may be Rob Roy by Walter Scott, but I am not sure. He seems to be on a Walter Scott kick lately. I have little ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques
Feb 8, 2014

Weekend Scripter: Scripting Wife Talks about PowerShell Saturday 007

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: The Scripting Wife talks about Windows PowerShell Saturday 007 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is gone. He is busy taking pictures, and conversing with various people attending Windows PowerShell Saturday here in Charlotte, North Carolina. Instead of the Script Monkey (aka, Ed) you have me, The ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellWeekend Scripter
Nov 28, 2012

Dortmund, Geneva, Zurich


Summary: Our trip now takes us from the Netherlands to Dortmund to Geneva and then on to Zurich. Well, the Scripting Wife and I had a wonderful time at the first-ever Dutch PowerShell user group. I delivered two presentations and made dozens of new contacts and friends. The following day, Jeff Wouters took Teresa and me out and showed us around. On...

Scripting Guy!communityScripting Wife
Nov 26, 2012

The First-Ever Dutch PowerShell User Group


Summary: Ed Wilson speaking at the first-ever Dutch Windows PowerShell User Group. The Scripting Wife and I left Oslo and traveled to Copenhagen via train. There we boarded a sleeper train, and woke up the next day in The Netherlands. We were met in Utrecht at the train by Microsoft PFE Stefan Stranger, and shuttled immediately to the first ever ...

Scripting Guy!communityScripting Wife