June 26th, 2018

PowerShell PowerTip: Checking your PowerShell version

Kory Thacher
Premier Field Engineer

If there is one question I could say I get the most in PowerShell, it is:

How do I check my version?

Its not a hard thing, but its not an obvious thing. We can actually check our version with a build in variable called PSVersionTable

Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5 1 17134 48

Hope that helps, tune in more often to get short and sweet PowerTips!


Kory Thacher
Premier Field Engineer

I've been a PFE since 2012, working with various technologies. I live in the modern applications domain, doing work in UWP apps, .NET, Unity, DevOps, and of course PowerShell. I've been teaching PowerShell related workshops very frequently for years, and I really enjoy getting the opportunity to explain a topic or learn something new from my colleagues. I enjoy scripting because of how fast and interactive it can be, and I love getting interesting problems to work on with customers. ...

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