Showing results for March 2005 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Mar 31, 2005

How Can I Determine the Size of the My Documents Folder?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I determine the size of the My Documents folder?-- SC Hey, SC. The My Document folder is actually just another folder on the hard disk, one with a path similar to this: C:\Documents and Settings\kenmyer\My Documents. Of course, the actual path will vary depending on the name of the logged-on user; in addition, the My ...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptstorage
Mar 30, 2005

How Can I Copy and Rename a Worksheet in the Same Workbook?


Hey, Scripting Guy! I’d like to copy one of the worksheets in an Excel workbook and then paste that copy into the very same workbook; once it’s pasted it, I’d like to rename it. Can I do that?-- JG Hey, JG. Of course you can do this; after all, if you can do something in Excel it’s almost 100% guaranteed that you can do it using a script. This i...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptOffice
Mar 29, 2005

How Can I Clear a List Box in an HTA?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I clear a list box in an HTA?-- AK Hey, AK. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, an HTA - among other things - is a way to use Internet Explorer to provide a graphical user interface for your scripts. (If that still doesn’t answer your questions, don’t despair. Instead, stay tuned for April 11th when we...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript
Mar 28, 2005

How Can I Add a Word to a Text File if That Word Isn’t Already in the File?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I check a text file to see if a word appears in that file and, if it doesn’t, add the word to the file?-- JO Hey, JO. We seem to have gotten quite a few questions on this topic lately. You mentioned adding words to a custom dictionary for Microsoft Word; other people mentioned adding an entry to an LMHosts file or som...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript
Mar 25, 2005

How Can I Write Double Quotes to a Text File?


Hey, Scripting Guy! I’m using the FileSystemObject to create an XML file. However, I need to put double quote marks around some of the items in that file. How do I do that?-- JP Hey, JP. According to your email, you’re trying to write the following line to your XML file:<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> However, you’re getting ...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript