Showing results for Azure AD - Developer Support

Nov 16, 2020

Claims encryption for B2C tokens

Developer Support
Developer Support

Once you sign in and consent, you should see TokenEncryption API in your Enterprise Apps. You will then be able to register your own client applications (recipients of encrypted tokens), set their API Permission to access the Token Encryption API with decrypt application permission, and use client credentials to request a token.

Azure ADB2Cencryption
Jul 23, 2020

Using OAuth2 OBO with Azure AD B2C

Developer Support
Developer Support

This sample uses a custom web service (B2BOBOWeb) to provide a token endpoint, which handles the Extension Grant requests and communicates with B2C to respond with a valid response (access token). It uses a specific B2C tenant configured with custom journeys to handle this communication.

Azure ADOAuth2B2C
Feb 17, 2020

Using B2C to support multi-tenant SaaS apps

Developer Support
Developer Support

AAD multi-tenancy is ideal for medium-to-large enterprises who own and manage their own identity infrastructure. This sample is for small enterprises, usually without their own identity infrastructure. It provides support for an application that needs to group it's users into discrete groups, each representing an application tenant.

TeamAzureAzure AD
Jun 13, 2019

Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2

Developer Support
Developer Support

The objective of this post is to summarize in one single page, the main differences between Azure AD Endpoint V1 vs V2, with a focus on client libraries and supportability.

TeamAzure ADAAD
Jun 9, 2019

Adding User Optional and Mapped Claims in the Azure AD Authentication Token

Developer Support
Developer Support

When we are using Azure Active Directory, we need to add extra information related to the user in the token that we received once that we get an authenticated user in our app. By Default, in our token we only see some user’s information like preferred username, email, name, roles assigned to this user and the unique name.

TeamAzure ADAuthentication
May 24, 2019

Using Groups in Azure AD B2C

Developer Support
Developer Support

Accessing Groups claims in Azure AD B2C requires adding some custom code through custom (IEF) policies. This post shows how to configure AD B2C IEF policies to access Groups in JWT Tokens.

TeamSecurityAzure AD
May 12, 2019

Adding Authentication to Your App Easily with Azure AD

Developer Support
Developer Support

Secure your applications with Microsoft Identity Platform couldn't be any easier. In this blog, we’ll walk through very quick steps to help you start experimenting with authentication capabilities using Azure AD identities.

TeamAzure AD
Mar 5, 2019

Azure BOTs – getting extra access tokens

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Dev Consultant Marius Rochon show us how to obtain extra access tokens using OAuth2 Extension flow (on-behalf-of flow). The following describes an approach for getting access tokens to more than one resource, without re-displaying the sign in dialog (using the V2 Azure AD endpoint). In a nutshell, the procedure uses...

TeamAzure ADBots