Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Handling Error AADSTS54005

On November 15, 2018 an update to Microsoft Azure Active Directory was released to bring AAD in line with the OAuth specification. This update prevents an authorization code from being used to obtain access tokens for multiple resources. The full release notes for this change can be found here.

Azure AD App Tracking with Logic Apps

Recently, I was asked by a customer with a very large internal Azure user base to help them find a way to keep track of Azure AD (AAD) application registrations in their directory. This customer has been on Azure for years, and the number of AAD application registrations has steadily grown during that time. There are so many applications now that it is hard for them to know which ones are still being used, and which are not. Furthermore, it’s common for application teams to create a secret key for their application and then forget that the key will eventually expire. How does the operations team know whom to contact when the expiration date is approaching?

How to fetch a user’s profile from Azure Active Directory using PowerShell

In this post, App Dev Manager Chev Bryan demonstrates how to fetch a user’s profile from AAD using PowerShell.On my recent journeys helping customers migrate from TFS to VSTS; one of the most common obstacle is verifying that users marked for active import to VSTS have matching AAD records. Thankfully there is a fairly streamlined way to do ...

Multi-Tenant Applications and Azure AD

Following up on a previous blog post, Premier Developer Consultant Marius Rochon describes recent changes and compares the use of Azure AD multi-tenant features with the custom features in B2C.Read Marius’s first post here.Since then, there have been some changes to the demo application regarding new modes and new features. In his follow-up ...

Getting Started with the Azure AD B2B Invite API

This post is provided by Senior App Dev Manager Nick McCollum, who introduces us to Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration. Azure Active Directory Business to Business (B2B) Collaboration enables your business partners to selectively access your corporate applications. In the original release of the product the invitation experience ...