Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Microsoft Ignite Starts Today!

(image) Whether you’re a senior decision maker, IT professional or enterprise developer, you’ll be inspired by our vision of where technology is headed. Tailor your learning experience in this one-of-a-kind conference designed to fuel your business and give you a glimpse into the future. If you cannot be there, be sure to tune...

Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – May 2015

Premier Support for Developers provides access to a wide range of advisory and training options that include most popular developer technologies.  Options range from onsite, instructor-led workshops to remote training, and even access to a distinguished team of Developer Consultants for specialized advisory needs.  Content frequently...

BUILD 2015: Day 1 and Keynote Highlights

It may take some time to process all of the game changing announcements that came out of the BUILD keynote today. If you missed it, be sure and check out the on-demand recording here. Satya framed up the road forward to build an intelligent cloud, reinvent productivity and business processes, and create a more personal computing experience. ...

Part 3: Supportability and the Internet of Things

Mark Taylor, Premier Services Senior Consultant and David S. Lipien, Director in Microsoft’s Premier Services present a 3 part installment on the internet of things (IoT).  For this third and final part, we also strongly collaborated with Carroll Moon a Microsoft Senior Service Management Architect for Cloud. Part 1 of the IoT series...

Free ebook: Managing Agile Open-Source Software Projects with Microsoft Visual Studio Online

Agile, Open-Source, and Visual Studio Online are all topics that quickly peak the interest of modern developers.  This month, Microsoft Press announced a new ebook, freely available for download, from some of the leading minds in this space.  The ALM Rangers are a special group for several reasons. Not only are they innovative and focused on...

Partnering with Premier against Cybersecurity Threats

(image) Cybercrime is no longer a distant warning.  It is an active industry with talented players, lucrative ambitions, and devastating consequences.  A recent study estimated the cost the US economy about $140 billion annually.  The numbers grow year over year and that’s just financials you can measure.  It&...

Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – April 2015

Premier Support for Developers provides access to a wide range of advisory and training options that include most popular developer technologies.  Options range from onsite, instructor-led workshops to remote training, and even access to a distinguished team of Developer Consultants for specialized advisory needs.  Content frequently...