April 13th, 2015

Partnering with Premier against Cybersecurity Threats

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

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Cybercrime is no longer a distant warning.  It is an active industry with talented players, lucrative ambitions, and devastating consequences.  A recent study estimated the cost the US economy about $140 billion annually.  The numbers grow year over year and that’s just financials you can measure.  It’s difficult to put a price on the long term impact of a trusted brand or the fallout from personal information once compromised.  If you have any doubts, BING the word “hacked” followed by any industry, company, or technology.  There is no shortage of current reports to validate the concerns.  Security experts will tell you that in regard to preparing for an attack, it’s not a matter of if, but when.

Premier supports Microsoft’s largest and most strategic customers.  We want customers to have the best experience possible using Microsoft technologies and security is a vital part of that.  If a Premier customer is compromised, Microsoft is typically engaged to be part of the security response effort, so we work aggressively to stay ahead of threats and prevent them from occurring.

Preparing Customers for Cybersecurity Threats

Premier Support helps customers prepare for cyber threats through an active relationship focused on operational health, software quality, and offering a range of services to mitigate risks.

  • Using supported and patched versions of our technology is the first proactive step to reduce any attack surface.  Many of the compromises that occur in the wild are the result of exploiting known vulnerabilities and outdated software.  Premier Support drives ongoing awareness of Microsoft support lifecycle changes to help customer prepare for important transitions and promotes Advanced Security Notifications to help customer respond quickly to known threats.
  • Premier also offers a range of Operational and Security Assessments (below) that analyze many product configuration again best practices and known issues.  These assessments can provide valuable insight into your deployments and to verify that they are adhering to best practices and Microsoft recommendations.
  • Few development teams write code with consistent security standards.  Even when secure development standards are established, the breadth of solution types can make it extremely difficult to comprehensively think through security implications of distributed, mobile, and cloud solutions.  Premier provides access to a range of workshops, security services, and specialized teams that focus full-time on secure development lifecycle.
  • If any Premier Customer suspects they have been compromised, they have the ability to open a support case with our Cyber Security support team for assistance to assess and mitigate any threat.  Being able to rapidly engage Microsoft support resources and Cyber experts during a suspected compromise greatly extends the ability of any company to quickly and effectively respond to a threat.  Cyber incident response with Premier Support is covered in detail here.

Security is not a part time responsibility

Security is a specialty.  You either do it full time or fall behind.  Premier customers have access to services from the Microsoft ACE team, a specialized, global security group responsible for information security risk management for Microsoft. These are the same security experts that help protect Microsoft’s assets such as Office 365, XBOX Live, Windows Phone, Bing, and our own internal business applications. ACE  has been helping protect Microsoft’s customers for over a decade and stay actively involved in writing white papers such as the recent Best Practices for Securing Active Directory, popular books, and presentations at major security conferences. ACE has also developed several security tools published on Microsoft.com and span all industries with experience.

guard dog folder graphicSecurity Services and Workshops

Below are a few of the security related workshops and services available through Premier Support:

  • Secure Application Development Workshop
  • PKI Infrastructure Design & Operations
  • Windows 7/8 and Server 2008/2012 Security In Depth
  • Application Security:  Code Review, Design Review, and Assessments
  • Development: Secure Program Development (GAP Assessment)
  • Infrastructure: Security Design Review, Security Consulting,
  • Azure Application Security Assessment
  • Active Directory Security Assessment
  • SharePoint Security Assessment
  • Enterprise Host Security Assessment
  • ISO Security Assessment Services
  • Enterprise PKI Framework

Want to learn more?

Contact your Application Development Manager (ADM) or Premier Support for Developers to learn more about Cybersecurity services and response assistance. 


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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