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Using Azure DevOps to Deploy Web Applications to Virtual Machines

While it’s worth mentioning that hosting web applications using Azure PaaS offerings or via containers would be the preferred route for a variety of reasons, VMs are still widely used in many organizations. With that scenario in mind, this post is geared to helping you get started with streamlining your release process. As a note, much of this process translates easily to using Azure PaaS offerings.

Azure Automation DSC via ARM Template

One of the challenges was figuring out a way to get the commercial software installed and configured on the virtual machines in a completely automated fashion, which is where Azure Automation DSC fit into the solution. DSC or Desired State Configuration is not a new concept, but I recently learned that Azure Automation can be used as a DSC pull server that hosts your DSC configurations and resources in a convenient location.

Part 2: Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set and Windows Containers–Networking Tips

In part 2 of 2 blog posts, Premier Developer Consultant Julien Oudot continues his networking tips about Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) and Windows Containers. Building on the first post about VMSS set-up, Julien walks through how to communicate with containers running on nodes deployed as part of VMSS. If you haven’t read it ...

Part 1: Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set and Windows Containers–Networking Tips

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Julien Oudot teaches you how to ensure network connectivity when working with Windows Containers and Virtual Machine Scale Set in Azure.When working with Windows Containers and Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) in Azure, some steps need to be performed to make sure the networking connectivity works as ...