Showing results for Kurt Schenk - Developer Support

Mar 2, 2018

Monitoring a Java App Service Web App

Developer Support
Developer Support

In the following article by Premier Developer consultant Kurt Schenk, he explains how to monitor a Java app using Tomcat running on Windows. When deploying a Java Azure App Service Web App, there are some great tools you can use for monitoring. Before describing these tools, I will first share some background about operating systems and language...

AzureApp ServicesJava
Feb 15, 2018

Walk-through of using SSH to connect Azure VM Jump Servers

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

In this post, Premier Developer consultant Kurt Schenk walks us through setting up an SSH connection to Azure using a jumpbox. Using SSH to access resources is becoming increasingly common for Windows users. Some typical scenarios are connecting to Linux VMs from Windows development computers; another common one is using SSH to connect to VM...

AzureLinuxKurt Schenk