February 15th, 2018

Walk-through of using SSH to connect Azure VM Jump Servers

In this post, Premier Developer consultant Kurt Schenk walks us through setting up an SSH connection to Azure using a jumpbox.

Using SSH to access resources is becoming increasingly common for Windows users. Some typical scenarios are connecting to Linux VMs from Windows development computers; another common one is using SSH to connect to VMs in Azure through a jumpbox. These VMs behind the jumpbox could be any OS such as Linux or Windows, but the jumpbox is the secure entry point, deployed to a management subnet, requiring secure SSH (ideally with a private key vs. username and password) with ingress and egress strictly controlled. For example, see network DMZ reference architecture.

Below I am sharing a walkthrough of how I recently set up to use SSH tunneling through a jumpbox; as well as some helpful links.

  1. Download and install Git for Windows You will use Git BASH which provides a BASH emulation for Windows, where you can run ssh, openssl, ssh-keygen, and other commands
  2. Create the private key that you will use to connect to the SSH jumpbox
    • SSH can use a username and password as well, but I strongly recommend a private key (and this may indeed be required)
    • I used PuTTY to create a PuTTY private key (.ppk) but when I decided to use Git BASH instead, I converted it to an SSH key (.pem) using puttygen. I would recommend just going directly to create an SSH key with Git BASH (using openssl, or ssh-keygen). See this article for more information on using SSH with Windows on Azure.
      openssl.exe req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
           -keyout myPrivateKey.key -out myCert.pem
  3. Go to .ssh folder Located at C:\Users\{login}\.ssh (for me C:\Users\kurtsc\.ssh) and
    • Create a subfolder authorized_keys and copy the .pem file there
    • Create file called config in .ssh folder with the text below, replacing {sshUserName} with your user name, and {privateKey} with the name of your private key, formatted with tabs like below.
      Host azure-jump
           HostName [FQDN or IP of jumpbox accessible on internet]
           Port 443
           User {sshUserName}
                IdentityFile ~/.ssh/authorized_keys/{privateKey}.pem
  4. Share the SSH public key with SSH jumpbox administrator who will configure you as a user on the SSH server, using that public key. You will then connect with SSH using your private key.
  5. Configure proxy in FireFox to support SOCKS5, and Remote DNS[NOTE] Selecting Remote DNS resolves Domain Name System (DNS) requests by using the DNS server in your Azure VNET. Do not select this if that is not the case.

  6. Start Git BASH and type SSH -D 9999 azure-jump which will make a dynamic tunnel that can be used by SOCKS5 client, like FireFox as described above. You can then browse to web servers in you Azure Virtual Private Network, with https://[WebServerFQDNinYourVNET] if you have DNS set up in your Azure VNET; or https://[WebServerIpAddressInVNET].clip_image004[4]


  7. Connecting to a database from SQL Server Management Studio
    • Run the command below in Git BASH to create a local forward of port 8500 to the database server:
      ssh -L 8500: azure-jump
    • in SSMS connect to,8500 and enter the proper SQL Server Login credentials


Use SSH key authentication with VSTS: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/git/use-ssh-keys-to-authenticate

Example of SSH port forwarding to Jenkins: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/jenkins/azure-container-agents-plugin-run-container-as-an-agent#connect-to-the-jenkins-server-running-on-azure


Discusses SOCKS5 support in browsers: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/hdinsight/hdinsight-linux-ambari-ssh-tunnel



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