Showing results for Angular - Developer Support

Nov 12, 2018

Angular How-to: Implement Feature Flags

Developer Support
Developer Support

In an agile development environment, there may be partially completed features or features with external dependencies that are not ready. Instead of relying on multiple code branches, instead you may opt for deploying code with a feature turned off. Later, that feature should be turned on via a configuration or database change. This post provides s...

Oct 24, 2018

Using ADAL.js with Angular4+

Developer Support
Developer Support

This is an update post to a previous article published in April 2017 explaining how to wrap ADAL.js with Angular2+. The previous article is no longer relevant given the changes to the Angular framework. This new post explains a reimplementation which uses the PathLocationStrategy and Angular features such as HttpInterceptor and InjectionToken.

Jun 29, 2018

Angular How-to: Share Server-side Validation

Developer Support
Developer Support

Laurie Atkinson, Senior Consultant, avoid duplication of field-level validation by dynamically applying server-side validation rules on Angular controls. Validation attributes are simple to apply to an Angular control within an HTML template, but that validation logic must be duplicated on the server. Instead, you can build an Angular valida... coreTypescript
Jun 17, 2018

Angular How-to: Simplify Components with TypeScript Inheritance

Developer Support
Developer Support

Laurie Atkinson, Senior Consultant, By moving shared functionality to a base component and assigning dependencies inside the body of the constructor, you can simplify child components.If your Angular components contain identical or similar functionality and you find yourself copying and pasting that code, it makes sense to implement some class inhe...

May 28, 2018

Integrating Angular Unit Tests With Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) Using Headless Chrome and Puppeteer

Developer Support
Developer Support

In the following post, Premier Developer Consultant Wael Kdouh expands on a previous post and demonstrates how you can run unit tests using headless Chrome and utilize Puppeteer to install Chrome on your CI server. In a previous post, I showed you how to Integrate Angular Unit Tests with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). Whereas it worked ...

VSTSAngularWael Kdouh
May 9, 2018

Part 2 – Deploying Your Dockerized Angular Application to Azure Using VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

In part 2 of a series of posts, Premier Developer Consultant Wael Kdouh demonstrates how to eliminate daunting requirements and instead install Angular build tools and utilize Docker to more easily and efficiently deploy an application to Azure using VSTS. From Wael: In part 1 I demonstrated building a VSTS build pipeline which built an A...

Apr 19, 2018

Role of Web Based Technologies In Maximizing Code Sharing In Your Applications

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Wael Kdouh shares ideas of the alternatives to reduce web complexity and increase code sharing. He does a side-by-side comparison of Cordova/Iconic, NativeScript, and React Native to help you explore some of your options to reduce complexity. I was recently approached by a colleague of mine with the...

AngularWael KdouhMobile Development
Apr 2, 2018

Hosting an Angular Progressive Web Application (PWA) with Azure

Developer Support
Developer Support

Progressive Web Applications might just be the future of web development. In this post, Wael Kdouh shows how to deploy an Angular PWA to Azure, including some potential pitfalls to watch out for. In his blog post, Wael introduces the popularity of Progressive Web Applications and how to deploy them to Azure. He writes “In this post I will...

AzureAngularWael Kdouh
Mar 7, 2018

Angular How-to: Implement Role-based security

Developer Support
Developer Support

Laurie Atkinson, Premier Developer Consultant, shows us how to customize the behavior of an Angular app based on the user’s permissions. This includes page navigation, hiding and disabling of UI elements, and generation of menus. Applications often include requirements to customize their appearance and behavior based on the user’s role or pe...

Mar 1, 2018

Angular How-to: Editable Config Files

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post provides the steps and code samples for using a JSON configuration file, which can be customized for multiple environments.

TeamAngularLaurie Atkinson