Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Using B2C to support multi-tenant SaaS apps

AAD multi-tenancy is ideal for medium-to-large enterprises who own and manage their own identity infrastructure. This sample is for small enterprises, usually without their own identity infrastructure. It provides support for an application that needs to group it's users into discrete groups, each representing an application tenant.

The Soul of Innovation

What's the soul of innovation? It is energy. It is knowledge. It is having a purpose. It is a DevOps culture. A better question, however, is "who is the soul of innovation in your organization?"

Azure DevOps Security API demystified

In Azure DevOps, you can manage your security for a given team or group using the Permissions module. In this example, the API New Team has inherited and granted permissions. The “Allow permissions to view project level information” has been granted explicitly, while the permissions to delete, edit and manage projects has been inherited...