Showing results for DevOps - Developer Support

Mar 26, 2020

Improving Angular CI Build Time Using Azure DevOps “Cache Task”

Developer Support
Developer Support

As demonstrated above I was able to drop the build time from 5m 10s to 2m 34s which is roughly a 50% reduction in build time. This is a significant saving especially when you factor in the fact that you will run the build several times a day. This can quickly add up to hours of saved build time each day.

TeamAzure DevOpsCache Tasks
Mar 23, 2020

GitHub with Azure DevOps

Developer Support
Developer Support

With GitHub and Azure DevOps you have a powerful combination of tools to help you develop world class applications where you are an open source or enterprise developer.

TeamAzure DevOpsGitHub
Mar 19, 2020

DevOps for low code Business Applications

Developer Support
Developer Support

The tech industry has made great progress over the last few years building low code environments such as Power Platform. Overall, the robust features can bring great value to business quickly with world class integrations, wide array of user interface templates and outstanding mobile functionality.

Mar 6, 2020

DevOps Dojo de Microsoft Services

Developer Support
Developer Support

Le DevOps Dojo: Ceinture blanche contient huit modules, chacun aligné sur les concepts clés DevOps tels que l’intégration continue, la sécurité continue, la planification continue et autres.

DevOpsALMAzure DevOps
Mar 6, 2020

A DevOps Dojo for Microsoft Enterprise Services

Developer Support
Developer Support

The DevOps Dojo: White Belt contains eight modules, each aligned to key DevOps concepts such as Continuous Integration, Continuous Security, Continuous Planning, and others.

Mar 6, 2020

DevOps Dojo de Microsoft Servicios

Developer Support
Developer Support

“DevOps Dojo: Cinta Blanca” contiene ocho módulos, cada uno alineado con conceptos clave de DevOps como integración continua, seguridad continua, planeación continua y otros.

DevOpsALMAzure DevOps
Mar 5, 2020

Technical Debt – The Anti-DevOps Culture

Developer Support
Developer Support

Technical Debt can be defined as as “the concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) and faster solution now instead of a using a better approach that would take longer”

Mar 2, 2020

Developing SaaS Solutions for Government Customers

Developer Support
Developer Support

Are you already developing for, or want to extend your SaaS solutions to, the Microsoft Azure Government cloud? Read this article to learn more about considerations for your planning process.

Feb 16, 2020

The Soul of Innovation

Developer Support
Developer Support

What's the soul of innovation? It is energy. It is knowledge. It is having a purpose. It is a DevOps culture. A better question, however, is "who is the soul of innovation in your organization?"
