Showing results for ALM - Developer Support

Feb 21, 2020

Sprint Zero Considered Harmful!

Developer Support
Developer Support

Successfully delivering valuable functionality in the first sprint or three can be difficult, and for some, simply impossible. But the lessons learned from the attempt are invaluable! Taking an early hit, failing in the short term is unimportant if it improves the chance of success in the long run.

TeamALMAzure DevOps
Feb 20, 2020

How to Maximize the Value of Your Planning Session

Developer Support
Developer Support

Asking these questions during sprint planning is a great way to start a conversation that will both achieve the principles of collaboration and engagement, and ensure a greater understanding of the value that the product is expected to deliver to its users.

Dec 19, 2019

Intro to GitHub Actions

Developer Support
Developer Support

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

Dec 17, 2019

DevOps Handbook review

Developer Support
Developer Support

The DevOps Handbook describes the aspects of working toward a satisfying result for a customer while handling apparently conflicting goals within the organization. The book explains through case studies how companies have resolved the apparent contradictions, aligning everyone’s goals can bring about greater rewards and process improvements.

Nov 1, 2019

Creating and refining your automated testing strategy

Developer Support
Developer Support

We all know that automated testing is a key component of a successful DevOps practice. However, it’s also common for organizations to underestimate the change effort required to create a complete testing strategy. In this blog post we are going to demonstrate the advantages of creating a clear automated testing strategy, in three simple steps

Jul 17, 2019

Scrum Isn’t Always Perfect (and that’s okay)

Developer Support
Developer Support

Over the years, I have coached and researched dozens of scrum teams to adapt to “real world” scenarios. Some may call them anti-patterns or some may call them “not scrum”-- but that is okay too because sometimes we have to work with what we have and still find ways to be successful.

Jul 16, 2019

DevOps or Economies of Flow

Developer Support
Developer Support

The very notion of economies of scale arose during the early industrial age but unfortunately is still prevalent in many industries, including software development. However, that has changed with DevOps but it still isn’t obvious otherwise I would not come across customers that still work in this paradigm.

Jun 30, 2019

Learn How to Ask the Right Questions!

Developer Support
Developer Support

if you want to change something, never immediately assume that current conditions are immutable. If you’ve never discussed the possibility to change, you cannot know whether others – your partners, customers, teammates, or managers – would resist, or the reverse – enthusiastically gush and support the change.

Jun 30, 2019

4 Ways to Integrate Development and Operations Efforts

Developer Support
Developer Support

How do you deal with the fact that the developers in your organization cannot or will not own the process of delivering into production? How do you deal with the fact that your operations engineers cannot or do not fully understand the software to which they have been given stewardship?

Jun 29, 2019

The Journey Begins – DevOps starts with culture!

Developer Support
Developer Support

At this point we were five plus years into a local transformation that was underappreciated and overlooked by the global IT organization. The frustration was high and the hope was waning. For me this became my motivation to start a journey to understand why some organization can adopt DevOps strategies successfully and other struggle.
