Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

AI, ML & Data Science – Explained

Where would you find all three (AI, ML and DS) at work? The most common place today is in autonomous driving vehicles. All three disciplines work together to help train an algorithm to recognize obstacles (MS), then to provide real-time actions (AI) to the vehicle, all based on large amounts of information that data science (DS) can analyze.

Using a Custom Translator with Azure Cognitive Services

Translating text can be tricky business. Sure, by using online services and tools, you can quickly find out how to say “Hello”, "that dog is green", and “where’s the closest taco stand?” But what about when the conversation needs to be more contextual and specific to your company/business/audience?

AI and the Art of What’s Possible

Application Development Manager Rich Maines explores the art of the possible with AI in the context of Microsoft services and the ethical principles that we believe should drive the development of AI.

Is Your Development Staff Ready for Artificial Intelligence?

In this post, Principal Consultant/ADM Larry Duff discuss some ethical challenges in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been a dream of computer scientists for many years. I remember my early days of programming I had a Commodore Pet. I was excited that I had a book of programs, I typed them in and saved to my tape drive. One...

LUIS & Speech API Integration

Ever wondered how to integrate speech and AI into your application?  It’s easy with this tutorial from Premier Developer consultants Adel Ghabboun and Kunal Sinha! Have you ever wondered what are some of the technologies behind personal home assistants such as Cortana, Alexa and Home? Whether you want to tell your personal AI to open...

AI with an Online College

Senior Application Development Manager, Justin Scott, launched a new podcast this month you will want to check out.  AI exposed looks at the world of Artificial Intelligence-- discussing some of the latest trends, interviewing industry experts, and having fun in the process. In Episode#1, Justin Scott sits with one of our Microsoft ...