Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Recommendations API is retired! Here is what you can do.

On February 15, 2018, “Recommendations API is no longer under active development” – as stated in the Recommendations API documentation. Our product team came up with an alternative new open-source solution called Recommendations Solution Template, which will let you host the recommendation engine within your Azure subscription. In this blog, will guide you through the steps of creating Recommendations engine, deploy and train your model. But first before doing that, let’s get to know the new additional components.

LUIS & Speech API Integration

Ever wondered how to integrate speech and AI into your application?  It’s easy with this tutorial from Premier Developer consultants Adel Ghabboun and Kunal Sinha! Have you ever wondered what are some of the technologies behind personal home assistants such as Cortana, Alexa and Home? Whether you want to tell your personal AI to open...

Application Insights Debug Snapshot issue “Unexpected error has occurred”

This post on the Debug Snapshot feature of Application Insights comes to us from Premier Developer consultant Adel Ghabboun. A couple of days ago, I encountered an ambiguous issue while trying to open the debug snapshot feature in Application Insights following Debug snapshots on exceptions in .NET apps. The error was “Unexpected ...

Alternative way to protect your Application Insights “Instrumentation Key” in JavaScript

This post on Application Insights and protecting your instrumentation key comes to us from Premier Developer consultant Adel Ghabboun. Application Insights instrumentation key can be used in both Server and client side. Using the instrumentation key in the server side is secured and no one can see it. The opposite happens on the client ...