Showing results for Provisioning - Developer Support

Feb 4, 2008

Write a NetCF app that provisions your device from your device

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

My first post in the provisioning series introduced what provisioning of your Windows Mobile device means and the basics of why you would want to do it.  In future posts I'll give some concrete examples of XML that accomplish a few common tasks.  But what good are XML examples if you can't try them out on your device or emulator?  It...

andarnoMobile devicesNetCF
Nov 29, 2007

Provisioning smart devices: an introduction

Andrew Arnott
Andrew Arnott

A lot of questions on the MSDN forums center around how to customize a device or an app to prefer a specific network connection over another.  The correct way to accomplish this is by "provisioning" the device.  In fact a great many aspects of the device and the applications on it can be configured through 'provisioning' the device. ...

andarnoMobile devicesNetCF