February 4th, 2008

Write a NetCF app that provisions your device from your device

Andrew Arnott
Principal Software Engineer

My first post in the provisioning series introduced what provisioning of your Windows Mobile device means and the basics of why you would want to do it.  In future posts I’ll give some concrete examples of XML that accomplish a few common tasks.  But what good are XML examples if you can’t try them out on your device or emulator?  It would be much better if you had an app that would let you write in XML and see what happens when you send it to the provisioning API of Windows Mobile.  I’d like to introduce you to a sample I wrote just for this purpose. 

The open-source Windows Mobile Provisioning tool is a .NET Compact Framework application that exposes provisioning directly to the user.  It will take strings of XML and pass them directly to Windows Mobile and return the resulting XML.  It also has an interface to help you set a proxy server and add domains to the Work network and crafts the provisioning XML for you. 

Over time I may add additional built-in provisioning scenarios to the sample.  But for now, download it, compile it, and try it out.  Let me know what you think, either here or on the Discussions page for this sample.


Andrew Arnott
Principal Software Engineer

Principal Software Engineer and OSS contributor. Visual Studio Platform.


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