Showing results for Deployment - Developer Support

Jun 14, 2018

Sharing Deployment Groups Across Team Projects in VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

Premier Developer Consultant Derrick Cawthon walks through how to share deployment groups across team projects in VSTS, so you can take full advantage of your infrastructure and maximize investment in cloud services.One of the many recent enhancements to VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) is the adding of Deployment Groups back in 2017. However eve...

TeamVSTSVisual Studio Team Services
May 8, 2018

Deploying Linked ARM Templates with VSTS

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Najib Zarrari walks through how to deploy linked ARM templates with Visual Studio Team Services. When dealing with deploying a large number of components in Azure, a single ARM template might be challenging to manage and maintain.  ARM linked templates allow you to make your deployment more modular ma...

TeamVSTSVisual Studio Team Services