Showing results for Azure - Developer Support

Jan 8, 2020

Mindset & Culture at Microsoft

Developer Support
Developer Support

For a few days afterwards that moment kept replaying in my head making me think about the mindset and culture of a company like Microsoft. How being part of a community of learners who are encouraged to “stretch” one’s skills and experiences really does make a difference both personally and professionally.

Jan 4, 2020

Tracking Santa with Azure

Developer Support
Developer Support

Learn how Azure PaaS powers NORAD’s Santa Tracker allowing for 51 million Page Views with an average response time of 100MS across the globe.

Dec 18, 2019

Azure AI does that?

Developer Support
Developer Support

Whether you’re just starting off in tech, building, managing, or deploying apps, gathering and analyzing data, or solving global issues —anyone can benefit from using cloud technology. In this post, we will explore some practical examples where Azure AI is driving innovation.

Dec 3, 2019

Serverless Compute – Logic Apps, Functions and Event Grid

Developer Support
Developer Support

For this post, I want to introduce the serverless capabilities in Azure. With this, I’m hoping to spark the interest of developers, architects, and DevOps engineers to think differently. While not all problems can be solved with serverless, many can – and with that in mind, why not consider it?

Oct 9, 2019

How to Alert on Azure BLOB Access

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, learn how to use Azure Monitor and Log Analytics to determine metrics not available under standard Metrics blade in Azure Portal. In this post, I will show you how to leverage Azure Storage $logs for enhanced reporting.

TeamAzureAzure Monitor
Sep 27, 2019

Go from a C# Developer’s Perspective

Developer Support
Developer Support

As a cloud developer, I increasingly encounter projects that involves Go. Azure services such as AKS, Blockchain, Terraform, and supporting technologies such as Helm are all heavily Go. In addition, Go is a first-class citizen on Azure as all core PaaS SDKs offer Go libraries. In this post, let's compare Go and C# key concepts.

TeamAzureOpen Source
Sep 20, 2019

Workshop Spotlight: Modern Authentication and Authorization

Developer Support
Developer Support

Building applications operating in the internet environment requires understanding of options available for performing authentication and authorization. These options include, both a variety of protocols such as OAuth2 and WS-Federation, as well as tools and toolkits such as Azure AD, AD FS and ADAL.

Sep 13, 2019

Ordering Messages in Azure Service Bus

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post illustrates how we can force an ordering of messages processed by Azure Service Bus. The intent is to illustrate some of the existing and exciting features of Azure Service Bus.

TeamAzureAzure Service Bus
Aug 27, 2019

Azure Ultra Disk Storage is here

Developer Support
Developer Support

With the recent GA announcement of Azure Ultra Disk Storage, customers now have access to Managed Disks for extremely high performance and mission critical workloads. With increased IOPS and throughput, it's important for architects to understand Azure's throttling limits to ensure they design systems optimally.
