Showing results for Azure Container Registry - Developer Support

Dec 19, 2023

Hands-On Azure Container Apps 101 — Deploying a scalable Go-Backend

Developer Support
Developer Support

David Minkovski shares a hands-on guide to explore the power and simplicity of Azure Container Apps and Azure Front Door as a great alternative to Azure Kubernetes Services and other Kubernetes implementations for developers. Motivation I am sure you have seen the world go crazy about Kubernetes and while this technology is amazing and has ...

Azure Container RegistryGo SDKContainer Apps
Jun 10, 2020

Maintain projects with different SharePoint Framework versions using Azure Container Registry

Developer Support
Developer Support

Azure Container Registry (ACR) is a managed Docker registry service based on the open source Docker Registry 2.0. ACR is the ideal choice if you want to have standard images for all of our developers, shared images with our continuous integration (CI) processes, and manage everything from a single platform and provider.

DockerSharePointAzure Container Registry
Apr 18, 2020

Ghost Update Take Two – 64-bit NodeJS

Developer Support
Developer Support

In my previous post, I explained how to deploy Ghost on Azure Web App; however, Ghost v2.25.5 now requires Node.JS 64-bit to support the sharp package v0.22.1. If you followed my initial instructions to create the free App Service, you will notice that this build will break your post images.

TeamAzureApp Services
Jul 27, 2019

Creating a Ghost Blog on an Azure App Service

Developer Support
Developer Support

Have you ever wanted to run your own blogging website but not sure if you want to build your own site or purchase an existing service? I had the same question myself and when I was studying for an Azure certification, I came across a demo of using this Ghost platform and the Azure Container Registry (ACR).

TeamAzureApp Services
Feb 22, 2019

Why you should consider VS Code for your Kubernetes/Docker work – Part 2

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this follow up article, we will cover how it can help to deploy Container images stored into Azure Container Registry (ACR). We will also cover the kubectl explain integration which is helpful to understand the structure of YAML files used to describe Kubernetes API objects.

Mar 17, 2018

Deploying Your Dockerized Angular Application To Azure Using VSTS (Part II)

Developer Support
Developer Support

Premier Developer Consultant Wael Kdouh demonstrates how to maintain consistency across development and production environments by utilizing Docker containers. He will show you how this is possible while concurrently automating the process with VSTS. In my previous post, I showed you how to deploy your Angular application to Azure using Visu...
