In this post, Premier Developer consultant Adel Ghabboun outlines some best practices when using Application Insights.
Here are some Azure Application Insights best practices you should consider when monitoring your application:
- It is always recommended to create multiple Application Insights resources to split telemetry for different environments, but do we have to? The answer is, it depends
- You can use a single resource, and use custom dimensions to tag the data source
- Or create multiple Application Insights resources, to split the telemetry into dev/test/prod, back-end/front-end, etc. With this option you get
- Better separation of telemetry, alerts, work items configuration, permissions (RBAC)
- Spread Limits such as web test count, throttling, data allowance.
- You can do cross-resource queries
- Often, we ask if we need Status Monitor tool when your app is instrumented with the SDK. It depends on which version of .NET is being used.
- If you use .NET 4.5, no dependencies are collected with the SDK, so the Status Monitor is needed here to collect detailed dependency info.
- If you use .NET 4.6, SDK collects basic info about outbound HTTP and SQL calls (Note, for more detailed dependency info, you need Status Monitor tool)
- Set a capping limit for your dev/test environment, NOT for your prod environment, otherwise you end up losing data once you reach the limit.
- Microsoft recommends using HockeyApp for monitoring Windows desktop apps (WinForms, WPF, Console). Although telemetry can be sent to Application Insights from a desktop application using the following steps:
- Create Application Insights resource in the Portal
- Add the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer NuGet
- Update the instrumentation Key
- Instantiate a TelemtryClient in your app
- Use the API to send custom telemetry
- More info is found here
- In case you can’t see your data such as dependencies, perf counters, it is always a good practice to
- Check your firewall practice
- Check the iKey is configured properly
- Make sure the user account under which IIS is running has privileges to access the internet
- Make sure you are calling the Flush method periodically.
- Don’t configure alerts you have no need for. You might end up receiving hundreds of daily email notifications you don’t need, and lose track of urgent ones.
- Always think Security and set up your Application Insights resource permissions via RBAC to specify who can see your data.