Showing results for Security - Developer Support

Jun 17, 2019

Choosing the OAuth2 grant flow

Developer Support
Developer Support

Premier Dev Consultant Marius Rochon explores OAuth2 questions you need to ask and how the answers lead to the selection of the grant. The OAuth2 specifications define six different grant types ( and Each provides the most optimal (from the secur...

TeamAuthenticationMarius Rochon
May 28, 2019

Understanding how Microsoft Azure keeps your data safe

Developer Support
Developer Support

When it comes to data, there is never a thing as too much security. With identify theft and breaches becoming a daily occurrence, ensuring sensitive information is protected is essential to business. Microsoft Azure has been designed from the ground-up to be one of the most secure places to store your information. Let me prove it!

May 24, 2019

Using Groups in Azure AD B2C

Developer Support
Developer Support

Accessing Groups claims in Azure AD B2C requires adding some custom code through custom (IEF) policies. This post shows how to configure AD B2C IEF policies to access Groups in JWT Tokens.

TeamSecurityAzure AD
May 22, 2019

Enabling DevOps in A Hybrid Cloud Environment at DoD

Developer Support
Developer Support

Learn how DoD leverages Azure DevOps to promote code from higher information level (IL) environment from a lower IL environment using Microsoft-Hosted and Self-Hosted Agents.

TeamAzure DevOps
May 12, 2019

Adding Authentication to Your App Easily with Azure AD

Developer Support
Developer Support

Secure your applications with Microsoft Identity Platform couldn't be any easier. In this blog, we’ll walk through very quick steps to help you start experimenting with authentication capabilities using Azure AD identities.

TeamAzure AD
May 10, 2019

Microsoft Security Risk Detection – What’s New

Developer Support
Developer Support

MSRD is a self-service, AI-powered Dynamic Application Security Testing service that optimizes your web development cycle to identify and remediate bugs and security risks as they’re introduced into the codebase – not after they are already in production.

TeamSecurityRisk Management
Apr 7, 2019

Compliance, Auditors, and Documentation Oh My!

Developer Support
Developer Support

Azure Trust Center should be your first destination for our compliance offerings. Did you know independent audit reports along with Azure compliance offerings can be found there? This documentation is a free, but protected resource for those that utilize Microsoft cloud services (Azure, Office 365, Dynamics 365, etc.). Compliance documentation f...

Dec 7, 2018

Preventing Single Sign On (SSO) Redirects From Opening a New Window Inside a Progressive Web Application (PWA)

Developer Support
Developer Support

I was recently working on a PWA application that utilizes SSO and one odd behavior that I noticed right off the bat was the fact that the SSO redirects forces the application to open a new window inside the browser instead of carrying the redirect inside the application shell. This is problematic as it defies the whole purpose of a PWA which attemp...

TeamWebBrowserProgressive Web Applications
Nov 28, 2018

How to Encrypt SQL communication on the wire

Developer Support
Developer Support

While on-premises, most applications did not take advantage of securing communications to the database on the wire just because of the inherent isolation advantages of having the application ONLY on the internal LAN. However, as more and more of these applications start moving to the cloud, the security of data over the wire is rightfully starting ...