Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Dissecting the pattern matching in C# 7

C# 7 finally introduced a long-awaited feature called "pattern matching". If you're familiar with functional languages like F# you may be slightly disappointed with this feature in its current state, but even today it can simplify your code in a variety of different scenarios. Every new feature is fraught with danger for a developer working...

Dissecting the local functions in C# 7

The Local functions is a new feature in C# 7 that allows defining a function inside another function. When to use a local function? The main idea of local functions is very similar to anonymous methods: in some cases creating a named function is too expensive in terms of cognitive load on a reader. Sometimes the functionality is inherently ...

A common execution path optimization

Today I want to talk about one interesting optimization pattern that you may face in framework code or in high-performance libraries. The idea is simple: suppose you have a commonly used method that has two execution paths – one is very common and simple, and the second one takes longer to execute, has more steps but happens not that ...