October 16th, 2017

Dissecting the pattern matching in C# 7

Sergey Tepliakov
Senior Software Engineer

C# 7 finally introduced a long-awaited feature called “pattern matching”. If you’re familiar with functional languages like F# you may be slightly disappointed with this feature in its current state, but even today it can simplify your code in a variety of different scenarios.

Every new feature is fraught with danger for a developer working on a performance critical application. New levels of abstractions are good but in order to use them effectively, you should know what is happening under the hood. Today we’re going to explore pattern matching and look under the covers to understand how it is implemented.

The C# language introduced the notion of a pattern that can be used in is-expression and inside a case block of a switch statement.

There are 3 types of patterns:

  • The const pattern
  • The type pattern
  • The var pattern

Pattern matching in is-expressions

public void IsExpressions(object o)
    // Alternative way checking for null
    if (o is null) Console.WriteLine("o is null");
    // Const pattern can refer to a constant value
    const double value = double.NaN;
    if (o is value) Console.WriteLine("o is value");
    // Const pattern can use a string literal
    if (o is "o") Console.WriteLine("o is \"o\"");
    // Type pattern
    if (o is int n) Console.WriteLine(n);
    // Type pattern and compound expressions
    if (o is string s && s.Trim() != string.Empty)
        Console.WriteLine("o is not blank");

is-expression can check if the value is equal to a constant and a type check can optionally specify the pattern variable.

I’ve found few interesting aspects related to pattern matching in is-expressions:

  • Variable introduced in an if statement is lifted to the outer scope.
  • Variable introduced in an if statement is definitely assigned only when the pattern is matched.
  • Current implementation of the const pattern matching in is-expressions is not very efficient.

Let’s check the first two cases first:

public void ScopeAndDefiniteAssigning(object o)
    if (o is string s && s.Length != 0)
        Console.WriteLine("o is not empty string");
    // Can't use 's' any more. 's' is already declared in the current scope.
    if (o is int n || (o is string s2 && int.TryParse(s2, out n)))

The first if statement introduces a variable s and the variable is visible inside the whole method. This is reasonable but will complicate the logic if the other if-statements in the same block will try to reuse the same name once again. In this case, you have to use another name to avoid the collision.

The variable introduced in the is-expression is definitely assigned only when the predicate is true. It means that the n variable in the second if-statement is not assigned in the right operand but because the variable is already declared we can use it as the out variable in the int.TryParse method.

The third aspect mentioned above is the most concerning one. Consider the following code:

public void BoxTwice(int n)
    if (n is 42) Console.WriteLine("n is 42");

In most cases the is-expression is translated to the object.Equals(constValue, variable) (even though the spec says that operator== should be used for primitive types):

public void BoxTwice(int n)
    if (object.Equals(42, n))
        Console.WriteLine("n is 42");

This code causes 2 boxing allocations that can reasonable affect performance if used in the application’s critical path. It used to be the case that o is nullwas causing the boxing allocation if o is a nullable value type (see Suboptimal code for e is null) so I really hope that this behavior will be fixed (here is an issue on github).

If the n variable is of type object the o is 42 will cause one boxing allocation (for the literal 42), even though the similar switch-based code would not cause any allocations.

The var patterns in is-expressions

The var pattern is a special case of the type pattern with one major distinction: the pattern will match any value, even if the value is null.

public void IsVar(object o)
    if (o is var x) Console.WriteLine($"x: {x}");

o is object is true when o is not null, but o is var x is always true. The compiler knows about that and in the Release mode (*), it removes the if-clause altogether and just leaves the Console method call. Unfortunately, the compiler does not warn you that the code is unreachable in the following case: if (!(o is var x)) Console.WriteLine("Unreachable"). Hopefully, this will be fixed as well.

(*) It is not clear why the behavior is different in the Release mode only. But I think all the issues falls into the same bucket: the initial implementation of the feature is suboptimal. But based on this comment by Neal Gafter, this is going to change: “The pattern-matching lowering code is being rewritten from scratch (to support recursive patterns, too). I expect most of the improvements you seek here will come for “free” in the new code. But it will be some time before that rewrite is ready for prime time.”.

The lack of null check makes this case very special and potentially dangerous. But if you know what exactly is going on you may find this pattern useful. It can be used for introducing a temporary variable inside the expression:

public void VarPattern(IEnumerable<string> s)
if (s.FirstOrDefault(o => o != null) is var v
&& int.TryParse(v, out var n))

Is-expression meets “Elvis” operator

There is another use case that I’ve found very useful. The type pattern matches the value only when the value is not null. We can use this “filtering” logic with the null-propagating operator to make a code easier to read:

public void WithNullPropagation(IEnumerable<string> s)
    if (s?.FirstOrDefault(str => str.Length > 10)?.Length is int length)
    // Similar to
    if (s?.FirstOrDefault(str => str.Length > 10)?.Length is var length2 && length2 != null)
    // And similar to
    var length3 = s?.FirstOrDefault(str => str.Length > 10)?.Length;
    if (length3 != null)

Note, that the same pattern can be used for both – value types and reference types.

Pattern matching in the case blocks

C# 7 extends the switch statement to use patterns in the case clauses:

public static int Count<T>(this IEnumerable<T> e)
    switch (e)
        case ICollection<T> c: return c.Count;
        case IReadOnlyCollection<T> c: return c.Count;
        // Matches concurrent collections
        case IProducerConsumerCollection<T> pc: return pc.Count;
        // Matches if e is not null
        case IEnumerable<T> _: return e.Count();
        // Default case is handled when e is null
        default: return 0;

The example shows the first set of changes to the switch statement.

  1. A variable of any type may be used in a switch statement.
  2. A case clause can specify a pattern.
  3. The order of the case clauses matters. The compiler emits an error if the previous clause matches a base type and the next clause matches a derived type.
  4. Non default clauses have an implicit null check (**). In the example before the very last case clause is valid because it matches only when the argument is not null.

(**) The very last case clause shows another feature added to C# 7 called “discard” pattern. The name _ is special and tells the compiler that the variable is not needed. The type pattern in a case clause requires an alias and if you don’t need it you can ignore it using _.

The next snippet shows another feature of the switch-based pattern matching – an ability to use predicates:

public static void FizzBuzz(object o)
    switch (o)
        case string s when s.Contains("Fizz") || s.Contains("Buzz"):
        case int n when n % 5 == 0 && n % 3 == 0:
        case int n when n % 5 == 0:
        case int n when n % 3 == 0:
        case int n:

This is a weird version of the FizzBuzz problem that processes an objectinstead of just a number.

A switch can have more than one case clause with the same type. If this happens the compiler groups together all type checks to avoid redundant computations:

public static void FizzBuzz(object o)
    // All cases can match only if the value is not null
    if (o != null)
        if (o is string s &&
            (s.Contains("Fizz") || s.Contains("Buzz")))
        bool isInt = o is int;
        int num = isInt ? ((int)o) : 0;
        if (isInt)
            // The type check and unboxing happens only once per group
            if (num % 5 == 0 && num % 3 == 0)
            if (num % 5 == 0)
            if (num % 3 == 0)

But there are two things to keep in mind:

  1. The compiler will group together only consecutive type checks and if you’ll intermix cases for different types the compiler will generate less optimal code:
switch (o)
    // The generated code is less optimal:
    // If o is int, then more than one type check and unboxing operation
    // may happen.
    case int n when n == 1: return 1;
    case string s when s == "": return 2;
    case int n when n == 2: return 3;
    default: return -1;

The compiler will translate it effectively to the following:

if (o is int n && n == 1) return 1;
if (o is string s && s == "") return 2;
if (o is int n2 && n2 == 2) return 3;
return -1;
  1. The compiler tries it best to prevent common ordering issues.
switch (o)
    case int n: return 1;
    // Error: The switch case has already been handled by a previous case.
    case int n when n == 1: return 2;

But compiler doesn’t know that one predicate is stronger than the other and effectively supersedes the next cases:

switch (o)
    case int n when n > 0: return 1;
    // Will never match, but the compiler won't warn you about it
    case int n when n > 1: return 2;

Pattern matching 101

  • C# 7 introduced the following patterns: the const pattern, the type pattern, the var pattern and the discard pattern.
  • Patterns can be used in is-expressions and in case blocks.
  • The implementation of the const pattern in is-expression for value types is far from perfect from the performance point of view.
  • The var-pattern always match and you should be careful with them.
  • A switch statement can be used for a set of type checks with additional predicates in when clauses.


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Sergey Tepliakov
Senior Software Engineer

Lead software developer and software architect. Specialties: C#, C++, OOD, Design Patterns, Unit Testing, Multitheading, TPL


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