Showing results for C# - Developer Support

Aug 23, 2019

Introduction to ML.NET with Permutation Feature Importance

Developer Support
Developer Support

ML.NET enables developers to implement machine learning tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and recommendation ... etc. In this post, I will show you how to get started with ML.NET implementing permutation feature importance for employee attrition.

Aug 21, 2019

gRPC + ASP.NET Core as a Migration Path for WCFs in .NET Core

Developer Support
Developer Support

The intended audience for this blog post is one who wants to migrate from the full .Net Framework to .NET Core and has a large library of WCFs, now considered technical debt. This post will attempt to at least partially answer the question: How difficult will it be to migrate my current code base of WCFs to gRPC in .NET Core?

Team.NET CoreWCF
Jul 24, 2019

Versioning REST APIs in Azure Serverless

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, you will see practical examples on how to version Logic Apps and Function Apps for breaking and non-breaking changes with common API versioning schemes and related techniques such as API gateway pattern.

TeamLogic AppsAzure Functions
Jul 17, 2018

Performance implications of default struct equality in C#

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

If you're familiar with C#, then you most likely heard that you should always override and for custom structs for performance reasons. To better understand the importance and the rationale behind this advice we're going to look at the default behavior to see why and where the performance hit comes from. Then we'll look at a performance bug that ...

Jun 12, 2018

Dissecting new generic constraints in C# 7.3

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

During the last Build conference, Microsoft has announced the next version of Visual Studio with C# 7.3 support. This is yet another minor language update with some quite interesting features. The main change was related to generics, starting from C# 7.3 there 3 more constraints: , and . The constraint The constraint on generic type enforces ...

Apr 11, 2018

Performance traps of ref locals and ref returns in C#

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

The C# language from the very first version supported passing arguments by value or by reference. But before C# 7 the C# compiler supported only one way of returning a value from a method (or a property) - returning by value. This has been changed in C# 7 with two new features: ref returns and ref locals. But unlike other features that were ...

Mar 7, 2018

The ‘in’-modifier and the readonly structs in C#

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

C# 7.2 got two very important features for high-performance scenarios -- the readonly structs and the parameters. But to understand why this additions are so important and how they're related to each other we should look back in history. As you probably know, the .NET ecosystem has two family of types -- the value types (a.k.a. structs) and the...

Nov 30, 2017

Dissecting the async methods in C#

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

The async series The C# language is great for developer's productivity and I'm glad for the recent push towards making it more suitable for high-performance applications. Here is an example: C# 5 introduced 'async' methods. The feature is very useful from a user's point of view because it helps combining several task-based ...

Nov 1, 2017

Dissecting the tuples in C# 7

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

types were introduced in .NET 4.0 with two significant drawbacks: (1) tuple types are classes and (2) there was no language support for constructing/deconstructing them. To solve these issues, C# 7 introduces new language feature as well as a new family of types (*). Today, if you need to glue together two values to return them from a function ...
