Showing results for July 2018 - Developer Support

Jul 31, 2018

Azure CLI Aliases Are Awesome!

Developer Support
Developer Support

App Dev Manager Isaac Levin spotlights extensibility in the Azure CLI allowing developers to do some pretty amazing things when it comes to mastering long and complex commands.

Jul 30, 2018

Digital Signatures and Certificate Expiration Dates

Developer Support
Developer Support

Why should you sign your code binaries and documents? Read this post to learn why, as Premier Developer Lizet Pena De Sola explains reasons and best practices.

TeamDevelopmentLizet Pena De Sola
Jul 29, 2018

The Importance of Limiting Your WIP

Developer Support
Developer Support

Senior Consultant, Assaf Stone follows up on his previous post – why it’s important to limit WIP (Work In Progress).

Jul 26, 2018

Accessing Certificates in Service Fabric Hosted Windows Containers

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, senior consultant Megan Meyer demonstrates how you can utilize SetupEntryPoint scripts to manage acquiring certificates and making them available to your Service Fabric hosted container. This blog covers an approach that allows greater control and flexibility at the time of service setup so that you can have runtime access to certifi...

Jul 20, 2018

​​DevOps Stories – Interview with John-Daniel Trask of Raygun​

Developer Support
Developer Support

App Dev Manager Dave Harrison talks with John-Daniel Trask, co-founder and CEO of Raygun, about the adoption of DevOps. "Human beings are the center of the universe. But you wouldn’t know that by the way we’re treated by most of the software we write. Great engineers and great executives grasp that. They know that to humans, the interface is the ...

Jul 18, 2018

Late night Blockchain thoughts

Developer Support
Developer Support

The reason why I've decided to write a blog post about Blockchain is not because I want to add a(nother) quick-start or easy explanation of the technology into the internet archive… I’ve had the chance to study, work and learn from the field what this technology may offer (a lot of potential opportunities) but of course also when it would be better...

Jul 17, 2018

Performance implications of default struct equality in C#

Sergey Tepliakov
Sergey Tepliakov

If you're familiar with C#, then you most likely heard that you should always override and for custom structs for performance reasons. To better understand the importance and the rationale behind this advice we're going to look at the default behavior to see why and where the performance hit comes from. Then we'll look at a performance bug that o...

Jul 13, 2018

WIP Your Product into Shape

Developer Support
Developer Support

In his latest post, Senior Consultant, Assaf Stone shares some useful suggestions on tracking Work In Progress (WIP) in VSTS.What is WIP?WIP simply means work in process (also sometimes, Work In Progress). This metric simply measures how many items (features, stories, backlog items, tasks) your team have started to develop, but have yet to complete...