Showing results for November 2011 - Page 5 of 6 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Nov 10, 2011

Use PowerShell to Find User Profiles on a Computer

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to find all user profiles on a computer, and to display the date when each profile was last used.   Hey, Scripting Guy! I would like to find a good way to see which profiles exist on my laptop. I found a Hey, Scripting Guy! post to do this, but it uses VBScript. Can this be done using Windows PowerS...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShelloperating system
Nov 9, 2011

Troubleshoot Outlook Problems with PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson teaches how to use Windows PowerShell to troubleshoot Microsoft Outlook problems.   Hey, Scripting Guy! I have a problem with Microsoft Outlook on my laptop. It seems that it goes to sleep or something. I will be working, go to check my email, and nothing appears. But if I look at my Windows 7 mobile ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellOffice
Nov 8, 2011

Use PowerShell to Pause a Script While Another Process Exits

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to pause a script and wait for another process to exit before continuing. Hey, Scripting Guy! I am attempting to use Windows PowerShell to shut down an application, but the application is rather complicated. I need to stop one process, and wait for that process to complete before starting the second pr...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques
Nov 7, 2011

Two Powerful Tricks for Finding PowerShell Scripts

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson shares two powerful tricks for finding Windows PowerShell scripts.   Hey, Scripting Guy! I am wondering if you have any cool ways to help me find the scripts I have written. I have quite a few scripts in my scripts folder, but opening Windows Explorer and searching through them is slow, cumbersome, an...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques
Nov 6, 2011

Use PowerShell to Automatically Create a CSV File

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to automatically create a CSV file.   Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson here. I am about finished playing around with CSV files for the time being. I do not always use the ConvertTo-CSV or the Export-CSV cmdlet. There are times that I write code and create my own CSV file from scratch. An example of...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques