Showing results for March 2005 - Page 2 of 5 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Mar 23, 2005

How Can I Set an Active Directory Attribute Value to NULL?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I set an Active Directory property to NULL? I tried setting the value to an empty string (“”) but it didn’t work.-- JJ Hey, JJ. You know, it’s not like the Scripting Guys to get philosophical; one of the Scripting Guys, for example, bases his entire life on this credo: never answer the phone early on Saturday morning....

Scripting Guy!VBScriptActive Directory
Mar 22, 2005

How Can I Save a Single Excel Worksheet to a CSV File?


Hey, Scripting Guy! I’d like to be able to open an Excel spreadsheet, get all the information off one of the worksheets, and then save that worksheet data to a comma-separated values file. How can I do that?-- SS Hey, SS. You know, you just have to love Excel. Yes, we know, to be “cool” these days you’re supposed to say th...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptOffice
Mar 21, 2005

How Can I Be Notified Any Time a Network Cable Gets Unplugged?


Hey, Scripting Guy! Is there a way I can be notified any time a network cable gets unplugged on a computer?-- DD Hey, DD. A lot of people, when growing up, had a grandmother or an aunt or someone somewhere who had a house with a big attic, an attic overflowing with stuff. Admittedly, most of the time you had no idea what you were looking at when...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript
Mar 18, 2005

How Can I Create an Environment Variable Using a Script?


Hey, Scripting Guy! Can I create an environment variable using a script?-- OD Hey, OD. WMI is a great technology for scripting, but it has its eccentricities. For example, can you create a process using a script? Of course you can; after all, WMI’s Win32_Process class has a Create method. Can you create a service using a script? Of course you ca...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript
Mar 17, 2005

How Can I Move Files Based on Their File Extension?


Hey, Scripting Guy! I have a folder with a bunch of files in it. I need to move all those files; the only problem is that the files need to be moved to different folders depending on their file extensions. For example, I want all the .log files to go here, all the .bak files to go there, etc. How can I do that using a script?-- SH Hey, SH. There...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptstorage