Showing results for xamarin - Developer Support

Mar 10, 2018

AdalException : authentication_ui_failed with ADAL and Xamarin Forms Android

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Joe Healy identifies a possible error you may get when working with an Android project on Xamarin Forms. Read about his discovery and eventual solution to fix the SSL/TLS implementation issue.Recently, I was helping a client with an Azure Active Directory integrated project (ADAL not MSAL for some various ...

Azure.NET Corexamarin
Aug 11, 2017

Monitor your Xamarin Forms application with Mobile Center

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

This article on using Mobile Center to monitor your Xamarin Forms application comes to us from Premier Developer consultant Gustavo Varo. More and more customers are asking about Mobile Center and how it can help them to monitor and analyze the customer experience. A lot of customers mentioned that they know about Mobile Center, they know ...

xamarinXamarin FormsGustavo Varo
Jul 11, 2017

Microsoft .NET Architecture Guidance

Developer Support
Developer Support

This post is provided by Senior ADM, Brian Swiger, who shares several helpful .NET Architectural Guidance e-books and samples.Four application architecture guidance drafts are available from Microsoft's Developer Division and the Visual Studio product teams.  These drafts cover four areas: Microservices and Docker, ASP.NET Web Applications, ...

May 30, 2017

Should you obfuscate your Xamarin app?

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

This blog on securing your source code is from Premier Developer consultant Bill Reiss. I saw a question recently about how to protect code in a Xamarin app package. I feel the first question is whether you need to, and not how to do it. The reality is that you can never completely protect your app code, and if someone wants your code bad enough ...

SecurityxamarinBill Reiss
May 9, 2017

Demonstrating the power Xamarin, Azure and HockyApp to fight Youth Homelessness

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Omar Kouatly, Director Premier Developer for Northeast, NY, NJ, spotlights a cross-platform mobile app that uses the power of Xamarin, Azure App Services, and HockeyApp to solve the real-world challenge of fighting youth homelessness. Premier Developer consultants from the Northeast volunteered their time to contribute to an ...

Apr 3, 2017

Validate input in Xamarin.Forms using INotifyDataErrorInfo, custom Behaviors, Effects and Prism

Developer Support
Developer Support

In this post, Senior Application Development Manager, Davide Zordan, explores the rich set of validation features in Xamarin.Forms. I have recently been investigating the support available in Xamarin.Forms for validation and, in particular, researched the possibility of using INotifyDataErrorInfo to complement the traditional approach of using ...

TeamxamarinUniversal Apps
Mar 21, 2017

Why Enterprises are Moving to Xamarin for Mobile App Development

Developer Support
Developer Support

Senior Application Development Manager, Mike Finley, spotlights why more and more enterprises are choosing Xamarin to answer the demands of mobile development. With most mobile users on Android, Apple and Windows phones, companies are facing challenges of supporting their applications on multiple platforms. Microsoft acquired its longtime ...

Feb 10, 2017

Power BI–A case study to end homelessness

Developer Support
Developer Support

Keith Anderson, Senior ADM, shares a practical example of how Power BI quickly transformed a project using simple, out-of-the-box features to integrate data and provide visualizations. I had the opportunity recently to work with the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness (CCEH) on their yearly Youth Point-in-time (PIT) Count event.  ...

Nov 1, 2016

How to work around an issue with VSTS build agents for the Mac, when building Xamarin Forms apps for iOS

Monu Bambroo
Monu Bambroo

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Jim Blizzard shows how to work around a potential issue you might run into when building a Xamarin Forms app for iOS on your Mac. Heads up if you’re running VSTS build agent on a Mac for Xamarin.Forms iOS projects. You may see this error message from the NuGet package restore step: "...

Oct 17, 2016

New project type has XAML forms by default

Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud

Recently on his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Joe Healy highlighted some new templates available to Xamarin developers in Visual Studio.  See below for the full article, but also be sure to check out Joe’s DevFish blog for lots more great content! Xamarin has some great documentation. The article at [

TeamVisual Studioxamarin