Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

GZip encoder for Compact WCF

The GZip encoder is not included in NetCF as it is on the desktop WCF, but it isn't hard to build yourself and in fact we have released a sample of exactly how to add your own GZip encoder to NetCF: So many people have asked me for it lately I thought I'd better just post the link.  Have...

Using the XmlSerializer as an XmlObjectSerializer with WCF

The Windows Communication Foundation introduced the new DataContractSerializer to replace the XmlSerializer in many scenarios.  The DataContractSerializer is faster than the XmlSerializer, but has certain limitations.  For example it does not support serializing an object's members as XML attributes.  When you write a WCF client that calls ...

.NET Compact Framework 3.5 Power Toys RTW

The .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Power Toys have been released.  You can download them from here.Tools included in this package: Remote Performance Monitor and GC Heap Viewer – Provides real time counter data (ranging from Garbage Collector activity to type loading info) on a running NETCF application. The GC Heap Viewer feature ...

Provisioning smart devices: an introduction

A lot of questions on the MSDN forums center around how to customize a device or an app to prefer a specific network connection over another.  The correct way to accomplish this is by "provisioning" the device.  In fact a great many aspects of the device and the applications on it can be configured through 'provisioning' the device.&...

Workaround for XmlSerializer T[] and List bug

The XmlSerializer in NetCF 2.0 has a bug where if a single serialization requires reflecting into types that use a mixture of Collection<T>-like types for the same T the XmlSerializer will throw an exception.  Here an example where CF 2.0 would crash: This type would fail to serialize under NetCF 2.0 because T = string would ...