Showing results for CLI - Developer Support

Feb 19, 2019

Using Azure CloudShell as a Dev Sandbox

Developer Support
Developer Support

Being able to create, develop, test, and deploy an application to Azure AND commit to source control with no tooling other than a browser is pretty powerful. This example was with .NET but there are tons of languages supported in CloudShell.

Jan 29, 2019

Upload a file from an Azure Windows Server Core machine to Azure Blob storage

Developer Support
Developer Support

The title for this could be a lot longer like ‘how to upload a file using the Azure CLI to Azure storage on a Windows Server 2016 Core DataCenter’ because that’s what this blog post is about…but that’s a ridiculously long title.

TeamAzureLarry Wall
Jul 31, 2018

Azure CLI Aliases Are Awesome!

Developer Support
Developer Support

App Dev Manager Isaac Levin spotlights extensibility in the Azure CLI allowing developers to do some pretty amazing things when it comes to mastering long and complex commands.
