In this blog, Premier Consultant Kurt Schenk shows how to debug into the source code of the Service Fabric SDK which is used to develop Reliable Services and Reliable Actors.
The .NET BotBuilder SDK has deprecated the StateClient class, leaving some to wonder how they should access their bot’s state. Premier Developer Consultant Ben Williams shares an example of using dependency injection in your BotFramework projects.When using the .NET BotBuilder SDK’s dialog system, you can access the bot state using the dialog ...
Check out this quick tip on unlocking the new features of C# 7.1 from Premier Developer consultant Ben Williams.Ever try to use async/await in your Main method of a .NET app? You couldn’t before, but now you can. I just posted a quick tip about enabling this by turning on C# 7.1 features in Visual Studio (they are not enabled by default). https...
A few days ago I posted about an updated Visual C++ 2012 debugger extensibility project template. Since then, I realized it had a couple of issues that prevented it from working out of the box. With those fixed, I also added a demonstration of how to read project properties that aren’t specifically dedicated to debugger support.&...
I’ve previously posted on how to enable logging in the C++ project system in Visual Studio 2010. In Visual Studio 2012 we’ve changed the way the Common Project System (aka “CPS”) emits trace messages so below I introduce an updated xml snippet that works in Visual Studio 2012. Since CPS is now the project system driving JavaScript as ...
Back in Visual C++ 2010 we introduced debugger extensibility so that third party vendors can either add new debugger engines or new ways of launching existing debugger engines for C++ projects.
In Visual C++ 2012 this debugger extensibility has been updated. Any previous extensions that were compiled against Visual C++ 2010 will have...
Visual C++ 2010 includes a debugger extensibility point that makes it easy for people who have written their own debuggers, or wish to modify the way existing debuggers are launched, to do so.Check out the Visual C++ Debugger Launch Extension project template on the Visual Studio Gallery to get started...
In C++, TCHAR, LPCTSTR, CString, and other types discretely change to their char/WCHAR, CStringA/CStringW counterparts depending on whether UNICODE is defined in your source code. Cool. By conscientiously using _countof(x) instead of sizeof(x) where appropriate and TCHAR's everywhere instead of char/WCHAR, you can write code that will ...