Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

How Can I Run a Macro After Opening Up Word?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I run a specified Word macro after opening Word using a script?-- JD(image) (image) (image) Hey, JD. You know, when they first tested the atomic bomb a number of physicists had legitimate fears that the bomb might set off an unstoppable chain reaction that would end up destroying the entire world. We have ...

How Can I Change an Existing Hyperlink in a Microsoft Word Document?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I change an existing hyperlink in a Microsoft Word document?-- PH(image) (image) (image) Hey, PH. You know, we’re impressed that you had the guts to ask a question today; after all, today is Friday the 13th, a date many people dread, fearing that anything bad that could happen will happen. For example...

How Can I Add a Blank Line Between the Existing Paragraphs in a Word Document?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I add a line between the existing paragraphs in a Word document?-- GB(image) (image) (image) Hey, GB. You’ll have to forgive us if we seem a little distracted this morning; shocking as this might seem, the Scripting Guy who writes this column may have made a monumental mistake. In yesterday’s column ...

How Can I Insert Text Into an Existing Microsoft Word Bookmark?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I insert text into an existing Microsoft Word bookmark?-- WM(image) (image) (image) Hey, WM. Believe it or not, this turned out to be the most difficult script the Scripting Guy who writes this column has ever had to create. Not because the script itself is very hard; as you’re about to see, it’s not...