Summary: Learn how to include expressions in a string in Windows PowerShell.
How do I include expressions in a string in Windows PowerShell? They’re not replaced correctly in a
double-quoted string:
PS C:> $p = Get-Process PowerShell
PS C:>”The $p.Name process uses the $p.StartInfo.WindowStyle window style.”
The System.Diagnostics.Process (powershell).Name process uses the
System.Diagnostics.Process (powershell).StartInfo.WindowStyle window style.
Enclose the values in a new variable:
PS C:>”The $($p.Name) process uses the $($p.StartInfo.WindowStyle) window style.”
The powershell process uses the Normal window style.
Or use a formatted string:
PS C:>”The {0} process uses the {1} window style.” -f $p.Name, $p.StartInfo.WindowStyle
The powershell process uses the Normal window style.